Music, a combination of “vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion,” (1) is an essential aspect of every known culture in existence and at least 55,000 years old.
There is a difference between music and video, a massive difference. Music is based on variations in sound. Video is based on moving images. They are not the same. Seems obvious right? Yet thanks primarily to video, I suspect that when asked to think of a particular musical artist or band many people think of the image of that artist or band before they think of their actual music.
"People just don't have the time for music anymore.
Petrucci laments the fact that people no longer seem to devote time out of their lives for listening to music; instead, music is now relegated to the status of background noise while most of the focus is put on some other task such as driving a car, doing something at work, or conversing at a social function. Alas, can it be possible that the “beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion” is now a mere distraction, a second-class citizen to other activities deemed more worthy of attention?
Back in 1995, I bought a CD from a band that I had never heard of. Took it home, gave it a quick listen, and hated it - the music sounded all wrong. Every time I thought the song was going to go in a certain direction, it went in some other direction that vexed me. I put the CD away and forgot about it.
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