These mountains that I walk,
Traversing peak to peak,
Remind me as I talk,
Of what it is I seek
So distant at the start,
That image in my head
But trusting in my heart,
Keep to the path I tread
At last the trees give way,
My goal is now in sight
'Twill cost much of the day,
Yet seems as though I might
A final test of strength,
Brings me to the summit
I gaze unbound at length,
Finally, I've done it
Can't stay up forever,
It strikes me walking down
Today's true endeavour,
The journey, not the crown
Traversing peak to peak,
Remind me as I talk,
Of what it is I seek
So distant at the start,
That image in my head
But trusting in my heart,
Keep to the path I tread
At last the trees give way,
My goal is now in sight
'Twill cost much of the day,
Yet seems as though I might
A final test of strength,
Brings me to the summit
I gaze unbound at length,
Finally, I've done it
Can't stay up forever,
It strikes me walking down
Today's true endeavour,
The journey, not the crown