Back in the 1980s, while in Vancouver visiting my grandparents, I chanced upon an old paperback book gathering dust in the basement. I do not recall the name of the book; I only recall that it was about something called the mitochondria free radical theory of aging. I opened it, and was transfixed.
The theory spoke of mitochondria, tiny powerhouses inside nearly all our cells that use the energy of glucose to transport electrons along the chain of complexes lining their inner membranes, generating energy for the cell along the way. The theory outlined how this vital process also produces unwanted toxic intermediates called reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, that indiscriminately react with and oxidatively damage other molecules inside the cell. According to the theory, the gradual accumulation of oxidative damage over time resulted in aging of the cell and organism.
Proposed in 1957, the mitochondria free radical theory of aging has held its ground, remaining the predominant theory of aging for decades. It is supported by two facts in particular (1,2) - first, mitochondria produce more free radicals with age, and second, there is a decline in the activity of antioxidant enzymes (which protect the cell by scavenging free radicals) with age. The theory assumes that since free radicals increase with age whereas antioxidant enzymes decrease, the free radicals themselves must be the driving force behind aging. As is often the way in science, this correlation is interpreted as causation; they’re not the same thing. Finally, after a decades-long long run, recent data has emerged that seriously challenges the veracity of the free radical theory of aging.
Mitochondria produce energy by transporting electrons along a chain of complexes lining their inner membrane. |
First, free radical production and cell oxidative damage do not clearly correlate with longevity (1,2). One important example is the naked mole rat which lives up to 30 years, as opposed to mice which live a maximum of 3-4 years, yet both species produce similar amounts of free radicals (3). Moreover, the naked mole rat displays much higher levels of oxidative damage than the mouse, yet still manages to live nearly ten times as long (1,2). Furthermore, genetic manipulations that elevate the levels of free radicals do not accelerate aging in mice (1,2). In fact, elevated levels of free radicals are associated with prolonged lifespan in a number of animals (4,5); some people have even proposed that the high levels of free radicals are actually responsible for the extended longevity in these animals.
Second, antioxidant efficacy does not clearly correlate with longevity (1,2). Overexpressing antioxidant enzymes in mice and other animals (6) does not extend longevity, and may even shorten their lifespan in some cases (2). Large interventional studies in humans suggest that supplementation with antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and beta carotene does not prevent age-related disease, and may even be associated with increased mortality (7,8).
Antioxidants have not proven to be effective in humans. |
Although we can’t nail a stake through the heart of the mitochondria free radical theory of aging just yet, the above facts would suggest that rather that free radicals have, at best, a minor role in aging.
Declining Mitochondria Bioenergetics In Aging
The primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy for the cell; unfortunately, this critical mitochondria function declines with age (9). Thus, rather than focusing on free radicals, let’s focus on the substantial decline in mitochondria bioenergetic capacity that occurs with age, which results from the cumulative effect of a number of processes:
(1) Mitochondria produce less energy with age - As electrons flow down the electron chain, they bounce along a series of protein complexes numbered I to V. The activity of complexes I and IV decrease with age (10), resulting in as much as a 40% decrease in electron chain bioenergetic capacity (9); the activity of complexes II, III, and V remain relatively unaltered (11).
The electron transport chain. Complexes I and IV decline with age (complexes I and III produce most of the free radicals) (2). |