Regarding weight loss, the calorie reduction theory has prevailed long enough - it's time to expose this myth.
The first faulty assumption about the calorie reduction theory is that "calories in" is independent of "calories out." The reality is that when one of these two variables is altered, the other one changes accordingly.
The second faulty assumption is that a calorie is a calorie, implying that all calories are equal. The reality is that calories from different foods provoke very different physiological responses within the body.
Despite its astonishing failure as evidenced by the epic rise in the metabolic syndrome (abdominal obesity, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, and distorted cholesterol levels thus setting the stage for heart attacks and strokes), the calorie reduction sermon continues to be pedalled by mainstream medicine to this day. If an overweight individual visits a medical professional for advice, they will invariably be told to eat less, exercise more, and stick to a low-fat diet despite decades of evidence showing that none of these strategies work in the long run.
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